I have an illness

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *ThE-cRaZy-OnE (01), Sep 26, 2011.

  1. I know a guy in my club that went through surgery on thursday
  2. *regurgitates steve* Wooooooo!
  3. I'm not sure if it's an illness
  4. *stares at the puddle of regurgitated steve* I think we need a doctor for steve
  5. Steve was delicious .... Did I say that out loud 
  6. ...

  7. *steve regenerates* steve's just ninja like that
  8. Joe was better 
  9. I didn't get to try Joe 
  10. Here, have a bone
  11. He was excellently fried, may I add
  12. You CANNIBALS! Joe was a man in a suit......
  13. In that case, let me see your arm
  14. Ok *punches and runs*
  15. Clones! Attaaaaaack!
  16. Mini me's attack

  17. Tongue guys! Attack!

    Go lick somebody
  18.  only weakness 
  19. I think I killed kitteh when I punched him 