I hate Steve Harvey

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ATE_EM, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. If you've seen him clap now you know how dolls can clap
  2. Never tried hot Cheetos? Wouldn't that be the official snack of purgatory?
  3. Just because you’re black doesn’t mean you can make racist comments. ?
  4. i prefer goldfish, the rainbow ones atm because it’s pride month
  5. ok i stan u
  6. But Steve's black too. We brothers. He just the annoying brother
  7. *is unironically in her rp club*

    Edit: oop I'm thinking if purg 2.0 dont expose me
  8. Are you jealous of topics fame, Op?
  9. That’s stupid to think anyone would want to be related to you
  10. Steve Harvey has a vagîna
  11. I'm not jealous of anyone. I get up and go after what I want

  12. What the hell
  13. Which is... attacking steve harveys vagına?
  14. You're the only person who said that ^
  15. excuse me, i’m going to expose you anyways ?
    i meant to edit the post and not delete it, but here we are. 666 posts. hail satan ?
  16. i saw that delete btw ?
  17. I deleted cuz you deleted
  18. Delete the app because people have in the past too
  19. Double dare
  20. Tripple dare