I have these similar story. I go for make holiday near the sea, there these very small discotheque. The lady who is the bar she says "I like your tattoo", I say you have the nice face, and the physique like the woman's the Mr Boombastic make the speak of. She say "What your name, you buy a drink I give you a kiss", I say my name the Vlad, my friends call Vlad alt, and I make show my alt life tattoo on the stomachs - like the Mr 2Pacs (you know these man?) She ask to touch the six packages. I say you buy alt a drink you can make the touch. We make the laugh. These long story I get the end. We go her room and she jump alt. Two times. I hope go on holiday there soon. These five men you make the jump with, these you say for let people know you are like the men's?
Congratulations. (note the sarcasm) Yes, I'm curious. 0.õ What did happen to the fifth guy? Did he beat you up or what?