I challenge Rude

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Floccinaucinihilipilification, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. Las message if ppl gone be butthurt ov that war its called a locked roster
  2. Rude will make any excuse to get out of conflicts.
  3. Bump for Chief Keef
  4. Well op's first post is already reported by someone :?
  5. Maybe by Rude. ?

    That's very, rude of her.
  6. well she was saying its against rule and what not, so if i was a gambler, i would bet she snitched
  7. Damn and here i thought the only challenges involved seeing who could get the most hits in parties
  8. I challenge you that I can party harder than you Tweak.
  9. Blaming Flocc for being good at war seems silly to me. I'm on the other side of the Friday war and I like to win as much as anyone. But it's just not his fault that people want to war with him.
  10. Challenge accepted just let me stock up on pots first. That peace sign bar is too tough without them
  11. OK, imma start a date too. That helps partying. Ohhh and let me get my party going avatar on.
  12. ^Dont forget to put status don't hire tuts in Party

  13. The good ole days of pimd.
  14. Damn im going to have to hire tuts and beg for gifts just to compete with that liz
  15. :lol:
  16. Has tha pillow fight started yet?
  17. Wow I'm gone for 2 days and this goes down? LOL
  18. Lol, flocc is a good leader. But this is so sloppy :?
  19. I think the correct / hip term is " messy "
  20. Ace I clearly meant sloppy ???