I am god

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *KelonTheForumBoy (01), Apr 3, 2013.

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  1. 
  2.  These are so hilarious! I feel bad for them though 
  3. Dinosauruses 
  4. U R not God!!!!
  5. Sudo Hun, this was never a god thread, it's a t-Rex thread 
  6. I think this thread merits a well deserved bump after the wonderful new gift that came out today.

    And now, all that remains is to plead with the mods to move it to off topic.

    I'll make bacon sammiches if you do 
  7. I'm the messiah and pope. You're not god.
  8. Best of*  she totally meant best of

    I got you Caspy!!
  9. Oops  I got so excited that I forgot where I wanted to get it moved to. Thanks ghost 

    And they used the SAME picture. Ghost should have his name stamped on this gift 
  10. Why are people still thinking this thread is about god? :| it's been a t-Rex thread since page 1
  11.  Because people don't like to read the comments.
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