Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief + 2 x Cat Cafe PROMO

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Jean, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. Wow thats the first time a dev ever responded to me, good for you for doing your research. That sounds sarcastic but its not.
  2. Re: Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief 2 x Cat Cafe PROMO

    lol liberals don't care if you did research or not they just need something to whine about.
  3. i think its great thAt ATA does this sorta thing. Helps a lot of people and shows the Apes aren't all about the Benjamins
  4. they can't help yhe whole world, besides charity starts at home
  5. suggestion, next time offer a kitty purchase special and donate with that too, probably get a lot more money to help that way
  6. Re: Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief 2 x Cat Cafe PROMO


  7. If you honestly cared that much go comment about it then why don't you make a thread requesting ATA to do it for them? You literally talk crap on everything that I am beginning to think you have button for automatic negativity to spew out. It's ridiculous. Again if you cared that much why don't you make a thread requesting it like someone did for Texas. Being a complainer on social media does nothing.
  8. what would a "thread requesting it" do? is that
    what activism is to you 
  9. what would complaining do? oh right, all activists do is complain. :lol:

  10. Lmao right?

  11. Clearly a thread did a lot since someone made a thread About It and the community supported it and ATA listened. But I forgot. You're all talk no action. Instead of complaining do something. It's that simple.
  12. I think it's quite obvious that she's implying that a.t.a would make it anyway. They didn't listen to or read the thread. This was already a plan. It simple couldn't not be.

  13. And you're 100% on this how? Either way instead of complaining on a post that's supposed to help people who lost everything go and actually do something for the people that's you're complaining for. And I'm not saying Texas is more important than India but either way lives were still lost and if it meant that much to her she should do something other than complain. Because complaining gets you nowhere.
  15. idk why you're implying i dont do anything off pimd considering half my paycheque this week went to south asia relief efforts ? shockingly, u can do...two things
  16. Re: Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief 2 x Cat Cafe PROMO

    It's an amazing thing you're doing, ATA. ️
  17. Well, I wasn't expecting this lol. what a nice surprise. :)
  18. If a ship were leaking water and had holes of varying sizes in it.
    The rooms that lose the largest volume of water per second aren't immediately connected to yours but the people in those rooms are unable to patch the holes and you know it and actually take it for granted but you do nothing about it or very little.

    Suddenly a small hole opens up in your room that you could easily patch up and you do so.

    This is a cool scenario and it matches ours. We're all on this boat together.
    And sinking. Cool. It's another country, not ours. Okay.
    But now imagine the role of the media in this scenario.
    If the media drummed up every incident in the room 5 doors down with the biggest leak just as it did your local spill, what do you think the effect would be?

    The media's biased and actually negligent. But the media likes to report on what people are interested in. It doesn't directly cause the interests of the people.
  19. Re: Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief 2 x Cat Cafe PROMO

    Thanks, ATA.