[HUNT] Winter Wonderland

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Dec 17, 2014.

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  1. xmas event.(moments of sharing) yet hard hunt again. greedy developers
  2.  ik,rite?

  3. Im 26 and love frozen soo yeah
  4. I know I'm just a noon so my opinion means nothing here, but I love this hunt! I really want to get the Elsa avi 

    For those of you that are complaining, the answer seems pretty simple to me. If you don't like this hunt, don't participate. It's not a difficult concept.
  6. Isn't the one from Rise of the Guardians?
  7. I love these prizes  good job
  8. I smell copyright infringement lawsuit here
  9. How do we earn them
  10. This hunt is exactly like my previous ideas and now it's a hunt finally...

    The only thing different is you didn't make gifts for it

    Make Gifts and RS Gifts

    And then it would be exactly the same as my threads, and posts ?

    I'm actually excited for this hunt

    just please make the hunt a couple days longer ❄️️
  12. How do we earn them
  13. Ahem. So..

    Pimd you sir (or madam) are a hypocrite. You say that you care about players' input but then you go and do something like this. By "this" I mean what you just did with the hunt. Yeah the Christmas one with Jack and Elsa ("Jelsa" as us otp'ers like to call them). So we have to get 3500 olafs and to do that we would need to get 500 each day. And if you can do the math (which I assume you can, since we're all over 17 here) you would know that no way in freaking hell is that possible unless you have b2b cat cafe and you're active a really really active hitter. And as you well know we're all "over 17" here so we do have what they call life. So we can't really be on pimd for that long (sorry to burst your bubble pimd...but yeah it's true).

    So yeah back to what I said earlier...people are giving you feedback and saying that there is no snowball's chance in hell that normal players (by normal I mean the ones not in b2b cat cafe clubs and the ones who do not and I repeat DO NOT spend their whole day hitting the repeat button) will be able to get Jelsa. And don't tell me to aim for the not premium avatars. I want those Jelsa =n=
  14. Oops my phone quoted my own comment what the heck 
  15. Ata I would pay 20 bucks for that Idina and just release in the store instead of hunt
  16. Extend this hunt to the 31st plz lol
  17. Now I wait for my Christmas gifts ?
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