[HUNT] Winter Wonderland

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Dec 17, 2014.

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  1. What happened to the idea for a pvp hunt for Christmas ata? 12 pages of support, and instead you bring out another party hunt that's just a clone of all of the other hunts before it. Show some originality please for once! And stop trying to steal from other successful franchises. Really? Else, and Jack Frost? Frozen? Wth Ata 

    Bye everyone if I get forum banned or my post gets deleted by the way 
  2. At least the holiday lovers look good. Still this hunt isn't better than the old Xmas one.
  3. Anyone working in ATA's "creative" department should be fired immediately. Unless they call it "steal likenesses from other successful franchises" department. Then they all deserve a raise!
  4. It's more like snow queen and Jack Frost? You know his name before that movie came out. They're both very popular

    Also I hate everyone who was against lbh. You guys suck

  5. Hope all the party fairies enjoy more stats and avatars that'll never be used 

    Oh wait, I'm sorry, they'll be used to hit parties 

    Great job ata. Continue giving the stats to the ones who use them, and not to the ones who actually do. 
  6. * Elsa by the way. Not Else 
  7.  ugly avas. Last years christmas were best avas ever.
  8. 50. Approx 7-8 a day
    300. Approx 42-43 a day
    700. Approx 100 a day
    1400. Approx 200 a day
    3500. Approx 500 a day
    5000. Approx 715 a day

     who needs sleep. Apparently not me 
  9. I think you need cats
  10. Better be something special if this is ending the 24th ?
  11. Pretty much yeah
  12. I know the feeling hahaha
  13. Btw, why in the world is the Christmas Hunt 1 week and the Thanksgiving Hunt is 2 Weeks??? What the hell?
  14. And after this is gonna be New Years hunt... Why didn't you start this hunt earlier pimd??
  15. :cry: omg im tired tho I need sleep ata whyy
  16. Tbh I don't understand why so much people are complaining. You know ATA .. You know we're just a minority. You know no matter how many pages of support you get ATA won't do it unless it makes a good enough profit for them. You know the drill, hunt, hunt, hunt. And what do you do? Buy, buy, buy.
    Stop complaining!
    Just go tell your club to stop buying **** from ATA.
    Still though, these Apes are smart.
  17. These Apes Are Smarter Than Us?
  18. So disappointed this is starting so many hours after the last hunt. Do u know what is back to back???????
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