[HUNT] Winter Wonderland

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Dec 17, 2014.

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  1. Hahahahh annnnnnd a server shutdown! So at least we'll get 70 snowmen compo!  hell the drops need to be huge! Better than the alien drops 
  2. Noooooo why do you make it into parts??
  3. Umm tha 24th is on a Wednesday. Lol
  4. Ever worry about copyright infringements ata? Wonder how Disney would feel about this one?
  5. Eh they don't really have to worry about that
  6. Lol y the girl claus look like a men by the face cool hunt Happy Hunting to all and you and Y'all family have a Great Holiday.Merry Xmas and Happy New Year Pimd and Pimd members.
  7. Ata should make an award for people who spend over 1m on this game of their real cash
  8. Will we have daily wars this time?
  9. I love the idea but way too childish  i remember me nagging coz my little sis cant stop watching frozen. . . Now im stuck with let it go phobia again -_-
  10. The premium avatars are fugly. Halloween hunt was better.
  11.  I remember last time I was in forums.
  12. Goodbye Sleep.I loved you at one point till I discovered this application called Party In My Dorm then my love for you just slowly disappeared into the distance. One day my love for You will grow again but until then please be patient whilst ATA bring out back to back hunts. Please don't forget me for I will be united as one with You again soon?
  13. Duh my Noob ?
  14. The 24th is wednesday not tuesday
  15. Really another hunt after one just got done really at a
  16. So this "chirstmas hunt" is based on a movie and not chirstmas itself?
  17. Will there be campus wars dropping hunt items ?
  18. 3500 by Wednesday? ? ugh
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