[HUNT] Winter Wonderland

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Dec 17, 2014.

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  1. yay its about time we get some decent avis
  3. Because its cheap. All they have to do is replace the art work.
  4. Why can't we ever have a slutty male avi?
  5. I assume the party's are exactly the same as the last few hunts like this
  6. Will these be in the store like last years Christmas avatars? Please answer ?
  7. Which party is dropping what please tell
  8. I hope to god. Ill he buying the top male for hopefully like 70 ec(a reasonable price for hunt Avis)
  9. Already?
    players drove these insane hunt targets, not ata. Flash cc destroyed he casual players chances og gaining top awards. We cant blame ata for capitalizing on players willingness to waste money on intangiable objects. Ata is just like any other company these days trying to make more money.
  10. Pimd is there going to be wars that drop the items?
  11. Will there be new Christmas gifts? These hunts are too lame.
  12. The 24th is Wednesday not Tuesday
  13. Hahahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahah get spending losers! 
  14. Cool hunt but time too shot again lol & no time to rest another hunt again
  15. @pimd - can you let cat cafe drop hypnocats please!
  16. I want it all
  17. After this hunt ata is gonna be able to afford solid gold rims for their lambos
  18. For the love of god no more hunts.
  19. ATA rips off another well known product. Congrats on being the least creative company on the planet and using other companies' successes for your own gain.
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