Hunt Tier Target Too Much for the majority!!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by iMenace, Sep 13, 2021.


Yay? Or Nahh!!

Poll closed Oct 13, 2021.
  1. Yay!

  2. Nahh!

  3. Neutral

  1. "PU Me Delta"This Hunt last target was 200k which not more than 1k players will reach,i believe there are atleast 100k players in pimd or maybe just 10k even then that's just 10% reaching the last tiers, so for the majority it feels like PIMD is Becoming pay to win Game more and more. I understand ata needs to earn but at the same time those who can't spend real money should be treated fairly too for their good experience.
    • How many active pimd players are there - question mark
    • Tru votes to favor the players funding the game for sure. Paying for pimd for 10 years you all the real MVPs—
  2. This hunt was 3 weeks long …. Think about it
    Muschi likes this.
  3. 🙃You think this is becoming a pay to win game? Silly noob, it's been one for years
    -BlackShadow- likes this.