Hunt Suggestions ♡

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CIefairy, Apr 25, 2019.

  1. There was one avi, in the last year valentines that was inspired by Cleopatra
    Corgi likes this.
  2. Anyone have an idea what the next Hunt is going to be?
  3. Check the Hunt Guesses thread it's got the screenshot of the next hunt. Animal adoption theme
  4. Idk if this has been mentioned but I think every so often you should have 2nd chance hunts where we can try for old avas, dorms and stat items. Many of us have a hard time getting because we can spend as much as others but to make it fair you can do a hunt about them. We could vote on a hand full of avas and you can pick the best ones.
  5. A mythical creatures hunt would be cool
    unicorn, mermaids, sirens, cyclops, ogres, elves, sea monsters etc.
    Adore, SweetAsYonii, _Ceto_ and 3 others like this.
  6. They ain't gonna do that. In 10 years, they still haven't yet.

    But you can buy the stats and furni of old hunts, you just won't be able to get the avis.

    But, I think it's nice they do a sort of "rerun" of certain themes, like the pirate and zombie ones as well as the ice cream shoppe.
    Carawe likes this.
  7. I just wanted to tell ata how much I love the set up of this rescue party hunt. I suggest that you keep it set like this,but fix the spinner and spinner boxes. I used to get an avatar out of the box, now all I get is a bunch of extra spinners. That's also happening when I spin. Would love to get the big extra credits sometime. Btw love this hunt! ❤💕
    Corgi likes this.
  8. Hi ! ally here 😼. I was eating some God like pizza with garlic sauce and got a Kanye like idea. So hear me out. If anyone remembers back in high school, taking a parenting class was optional and you did it with a partner to raise a baby. What if for a hunt it was the first ever relationship (you and your rs) vs everyone else and their relationship: parenting mode. There would be baby themed stats and maybe even nursing furniture? I'm thinking whoever collected the most idk baby bottles would get some sort of prize and bragging rights? To add onto it, I was thinking like this hunt where the dog and cat chose was an option; girl or boy for the child should be an option. All I'm saying is I think it's such a cool concept and if this happened I'd throw more money I should be spending on college at u guys xoxo
  9. They should totally do a dinosaur hunt🦖🦕
  10. That’s true! But a full hunt centered on ancient Egypt would still be pretty cool 🙈 the possibility for how the stats would look are exciting
    Foxita and drain like this.
  11. Would you Ata consider doing a Mortal Kombat or terminator type hunt? It would be bad A$$.
  12. I would be interested in these hunts:

    Restaurant Hunt:

    - Avis:

    with aprons and maybe a pan in hand


    a kitchen: - bed: stove with kitchenette

    - abv bed: Extractor hood

    - poster: Spice rack

    - nightstand: a usual side table

    - lamp: dishes

    - bookcase: open fridge

    - shelves: different food/drinks

    - rug: puddle

    - 499: Mop bucket

    - desk: sink (for cleaning dishes)

    - abv desk: detergents

    - 999: door to eating area

    - plant: broom

    - chair: Garbage can

    - abv plant: cupboard for dishes

    Fairy hunt:

    • Avis:
    Similar to the current for butterflies (with wings!)

    • dorm:
    bed: made of wood and maybe with some cute details you can find in a forest

    - abv bed: ?

    - poster: a fairy

    - nightstand: a usual side table (maybe same wood with details as bed

    - lamp: a leaf?

    - bookcase: same as bed

    - shelves: mushrooms/fairy dust/???

    - rug: moss

    - 499: mythical creature

    - desk: same as bed

    - abv desk: picture of Family tree??

    - 999: door to forest

    - plant: tendril plant

    - chair: tree stump

    - abv plant: window to the forest

    Hospital hunt:

    • Avis: nurse or surgeon ones

    • dorm:
    bed: operating table

    - abv bed: lamp

    - poster: Vital signs

    - nightstand: usual with with syringe

    - lamp: syringe/etc. What else u need for being a surgeon

    - bookcase: maybe a closed one with glass in front of the open shelves?

    - shelves: sterilized utensils

    - rug: ???

    - 499: ???

    - desk: sink

    - abv desk: mirror as Long as the desk

    - 999: operating room door

    - plant: ???

    - chair: stool

    - abv plant: ???

    These are just my ideas. I’m sure there are better ones 🌹 The restaurant Hunt is a bit similar to the current hunt but I would like less sexual furnis and Avis in a real restaurant hunt.

  13. There has been too many food related hunts. Hospital themed hunt sounds nice!
    EnchantedRici likes this.
  14. 1. Umbrella Academy based hunt.
    2. Dune. Dune. Dune.

  15. Love a fairy hunt 🥰
    EnchantedRici likes this.
  16. How about Mr Bean / Johnny English hunt?
  17. I think a Paris themed hunt would be cool. With like a window to the Eiffel Tower 999. The dorm could have cozy cafe vibes and stat items could be French pastries. I also think a Hawaii Hunt would lovely.
    Jennielee, ZoeMonarch, drain and 2 others like this.
  18. I want to have a DC or Marvel villain avatars, especially The Joker, the enemy/ brother of batman, and Harley Quinn as his couple avi. I think it would looks cool.
    Cinnabun likes this.
  19. Yes please 😭 🙏🙏🙏
    heIIbound likes this.
  20. How about a Mean girls hunt? Can you imagine how epic the avatars would be!! And stat items: burn book, broken tiara, regina’s body gear, a tee shirt with cuts on the boobs, foot cream for your face, the avatars would be EPIC!!
    Adore, SweetB00, dalianna and 9 others like this.