[HUNT]School of Hipsterdry

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Send me 1995 keys please, I'll put the avi to good use
  2. If no ones going to comment on how short the male common avatar's shorts are, I will.

    Those are some short shorts. ?
  3. I believe they fixed this.
  4. Booty Shorts FTW...or not 
  5. Want all 3 female avis. Must buy many many cats
  6. I was super excited because this was a Harry Potter hunt but I'm kind of disappointed.
  7. Theyre gonna do 60% and 70% and so on until it gets beyond ridiculous.
  8. Oh look another hunt where items are not added to spinner once again -.- pointless in saving spins
  9. Heard BIJ Pro is PPotD. Check IT.
  10. Who's the common male want to be?

    Common female: Ginny Weasley
    Rare male: Neville longbottom
    Rare Female: Luna Lovegood (Like I guessed)
    Ultra rare male: Draco Malfoy
    Ultra Rare female: Hermione Granger
  11. Looks like Cedric diggory
  12. I don't care much for hunts and i play very casually but am i the only one who's upset about that Cedric Diggory avi? His death was too messed up for pimd to be using him as an avi.
    I'm feeling the feels and they hurt.?
  13. Wow how stupid 2000 keys really theres no chance in hell thats happening.
  14. Ata you want to something new a try? Why dont you listen to the people that actually play and spend their money. This was once a game that we all enjoyed. Not the case so much anymore! I say bring back the wars, raise the age limit back to 17 and give us a reason to continue to play!!
  17. You obviously still have a reason, since you're still playing. ?
  18. The age limit in the google play store is rated M 17+
  19. Doing this based on reviews and feedback???? Where is all the war request and shit of that sort. Why don't you fix that idots