[HUNT]School of Hipsterdry

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. What is the epic combo item  all we're getting is lame items
  2. Why do people always quote the threads main post and not even comment after the quote? We read the first page idiots... ugh drives me insane!!!
  3. Anyone make a thread for all the items yet?
  4. Begged my rs for her five keys, Ruined my dreams for the male avi's shorts
  5. ?symphony of aegis? B2B POTD fitspiration50kcs++ ?family here?

    Need hitter here..and build family to..welcome all
  7. I got the ultra rare avi. And i just use 6 keys. Lol 
  8. Teach me your ways!!!
  9. Thanks now how to get any of these
  10. im sorry for your loss
  11. I got the letter opened by using a key
  12. I'm sorry if I sould a tad bit typical. But I am not Caucasian and I'm tired of having "basic" stereotypical African American avatars. Like seriously. It just sucks that no matter what they are always the same. Yes we have like 20-100 or so avas but its not a 50/50 divison of avas. Same for Asians, and other nations. It's rediculous. Anyways rant over.
  13. The ultra rare avatars are hopeless
  14. just try i trust u man, u can reach the 2k keys
  15. Come on pimd let me win a rare avi I never got one
  16. Plz let me get rare avi plz plz I need it thx
  17. Wish I could trade this avi for the new hunts one!! 
  19. All black avas are African American, huh? Yes, that does sound a bit typical. Also, Asia is not a nation.