I use to love hunts, but now u screwed with the lbh hits, u get like 5-15 if ur busy in real life and cant sit there and milk it, and theres no point if u aint in b2b cc. Now i get what everyone is saying about cc ruining the game. We need an item for a new party that cost 69b and pays around the same as cc, and gives almost the same amount of drops
Will we be able to buy the last item for our showcase or will this be an extra part of the prize? I would sure love the Kitty slippers in my showcase.
why don't you just remove cc except for special promos. Make them last a week and have them randomly every few weeks or so. That'd mean people can't stock up on cat drops and therefore you'd have to buy them if you really wanted them before the time was up. It'd benefit those who love it, and those who don't.
I miss when pimd and pimd community used to talk to us in threads :'( post funny gifs etc... im still waiting for prizes and waiting for an answer to my missing item for showcase question :-(
Hey everyone, Some people are not seeing the Premium Avatars, this is being looked into and should be fixed shortly. If you have a message saying you received them, but don't see them, they ARE on your account, they're just not visible. This should be fixed very soon.