[HUNT] Internet Famous

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jan 13, 2015.

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  1. Any reason why my notification said I got 30 insistentgram things but my items only says I currently have 22? Am I getting jipped?
  2. 7 items probably combined
  3. Do we really 
  4. So mean ex tutie :lol:
  5. So hard to get all >.< extend the hunt :D
  7. Wat parties are fir the hunts all dibt drop
  8. I'm sorry but that is the worst avi I've ever seen, and I would expect so much more with it being pewdiepie...
  9. All the avis suck :roll: besides the easiest boy avi, that's okay. :lol:
  10. Erm. I got silenced for saying "kik" wasnt a question or anything still find it silly you "silence" for that.
  11. Why would you not give the female avatar strength stats too, sexist ATA 
  12. Thank you
  13. Yes really ?
  14. The regular female is strentgh based... So it's alternated between the two genders... like always.
  15. Extend to the end of January?
  16. [/quote]
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