Hunt idea: vikings & dragons!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Kairakau, Jan 22, 2023.


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  1. ThErEs AlReAdY a ThReAd FoR tHis
    Ik but i doubt ata actul looks at it based on the hunts that have been coming out (hint hint devs).

    Anyways i want a hunt based on how to train your dragon.
    The dorm can be based around the viking village (a dragon 999 and baby dragon 499 would be cool tho).
    Stats can be various dragon and viking things.
    Viking avis but i also want dragon avis. We have a toucan and a bear and a dog so why not a dragon.
    Shotgun likes this.
  2. I want toothless in my showcase
  3. I just want a decent PVP hunt 🥲
    UnholySassySiren likes this.
  4. It could even be a pvp based hunt. Set up kinda like the snowball fight hunt a few years ago. People are randomly split into teams. Can be dragons vs vikings. And whatever team deals the most damage to their opposing npc wins bonus prizes.

    Sure its not propr pvp but i remember everyone absolutely loved the snowball fight hunt even the hardcore party fairies
    Shotgun likes this.
  5. Sounds like a crossover with heckfire.
  6. Day likes this.
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