Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iKitty-_-TAP-_-YouSeductively, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. youre most welcome
  2. will cc drops more ribbons :lol:
  3. I hope not. I want everyone to have an equal chance to get them. If you want more then pay more for dns
  4. Ik, I've said it before, but we should totally do this, ATA!
  5. Ikr!! I'm trying so hard to get the devs to see this and consider it.
  6. Plz make this happen Devs!!!
  7. Oh my god, this is an amazing idea. Truly a well thought out and meaningful hunt. ATA should definitely consider it, if we can hunt Pokémon, why can't we hunt something like awareness ribbons. This honestly hits home for me, and I'm sure so many others. Let's make this happen!!!!!!!
  8. Thank you angelツ every ribbon that I suggested has close meaning to me as well as my family. And the first step to beating or living with any disease or condition is knowing what it is. You have to know the signs and symptoms first. Then comes actually understanding what it is your now living with, and from their you can talk aboit treatments and management.
  9. Plz look devs! PLZ
  10. This is a much better idea that rinas SUPPORT