Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iKitty-_-TAP-_-YouSeductively, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. You have my support but if it was a hunt, we should get a lot of good avatars
  2. Yes we should. Do you have any ideas for an avi?
  3. Support :)
    What a great idea
  4. The avatars could be based off of the celebs who completed the challenge?!:)
  5. Sorry I mean what challenge??
  6. Ice bucket for ALS lol
  7. Thats a big thing right now
  8. But that isn't what this thread is about. This is about Awareness ribbons.
  9. No saint no lol the ice bucket challenge is boring now everybody does it lol and nobody wants to do a hunt to something everybodys already done
  10. So youve been evicted from this thread lol jkjk
  11. Id buy a tshirt for my avi with those phrases on them lol bumped again
  12. Hell with it I support it
  13. Yay sorry yay!! Be a supporter!
  14. Bump bump bump! Bump bump bumpto the top we go!
  15. This sounds like a great way to raise awareness. Support.