Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iKitty-_-TAP-_-YouSeductively, Jul 19, 2014.

  1.  Kat 
  2. Ok let's try this again.
    Omg!! I freaking love you guys!!!
  3. 3rd times the charm!
    OMG!!! I freaking love you guys!!!!
  4. Awesome idea!! This would be a pretty cool hunt compared to all the other dull ones they create. MAKE IT HAPPEN!
  5. Maybe the girl can have a t-shirt with:

    "I did not know what bravery was until I saw people who fought" while hugging a big pink ribbon.

    The boy can have a t-shirt with:

    "Bravery can be seen even if small or big" while putting up his arm with a bracelet with different colors of ribbons.
  6. Bumping again lol
  8. This is a fantastic idea , ata please consider doing this
  9. The t shirt idea is amazing
  10. Support this is a more worthy hunt then asl which is played out and boring now cause everybody does it we want new ata  new so go with katies idea!
  11. I agree with brae. We need to have this as a hunt. Imagine how much money we could raise
  12. Its a great idea, everyone would enjoy it and it would be worthwhile. Also Brae *whispering* you spelt ALS wrong
  13. I agree the t-shirt "thingy".
  14. Lmao ofc i did why wouldnt i spell it wrong lol
  15. And bump some more lol
  16. OMG! I love the t-shirt idea!!! Great brainstorming!