[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. ^ use dn
  2. I honestly don't care about winning anything past the dn but to the people in my home club that do it kinda sucks that cc is pretty much your only chance of 5k without throwing club loyalty out the window and going to cc club or last bae hitting with a few dn but oh well I understand money is needed for updates just hope you start fixing old problems with it instead of making new hunts etc.
  3. ?
    This should be interesting ?
  4. @pimd if cc is 4x drops why am i averaging 45. That means other parties are averaging 10? If that is the case 7500 is a ridiculous amount to go for.
  5. Completely agree
  6. 7500 roobix in one week only? ATA go kill yourself
  7. Burn 6dn in each cc party. After 75 party, boom! Complete 7500
  8. There will be a drop increase for sure , but telling them to kill themselves is sick.
  9. If you don't want to do the hunt don't do it. Nobody is putting a gun to your head. Besides your acting like we are out doing physical labor in 100 degree wheather. Does your thumb hurt? If your having trouble breathing get a oxygen tank otherwise just man up.
  11. Halbee will complete it.
  12. These hunts are kind of a complete joke now for anyone with money. Could finish the hunt in a day.
  13. Butthurt here :roll:
  14. Back then hunt was a joke for us (lbh-ers) it was prime time
  15. You need to makes the parties drop more  I'm tired of getting so little amount of cubes per a party. How do you expect me to get the avatar if I only get 18 cubes at a pizza party. I should give up now cause I have 0 chance to get anywhere in this hunt 
  16. It's okay Jordan, you already get the best avatar
  17. Awesome!!! 
  18. Drops will increase. You guys joined several hunts already. They always increase drops. So chill and join Lucky_seven. no need to LBH. 1hr parties
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