[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Even spent my actual money. My mistake. Very sad.
  2. Lol. Terrible hunt. Keep buying and buying and they will all be this way. No chance to make it unless u spent like crazy. I've been active the whole time for the most part. Not even gonna get to 4500 let alone 5000 or 7500. This blows.
  3. This hunt is awesome, first time I've got a special avi, and I get 4 , super happy
  4. I have been in B2B cc still not gonna make 5000.. Ridiculous ATA
  5. Y'all should really stop complaining so much they extended it twice
  6. It's doing the exact same thing again on iOS when trying to purchase DN. 
  7. You should have given us some to start with ata?
  8. And what does that tell u that it was extended and still have a lot of complaints? Was all about $$$$$$
  9. They only extended it once
  10. They extended it once DSK.
  11. ??I feel sorry for those who are trying to buy dns to complete?But the hunt was not that hard???Just not so easy like all the other ones?Like really people cry hunts not a challenge then it becomes one people still cry?Like how would you feel if ata shutdown?Like all the new stuff they do for us cost money?They need money to keep running game??Like do you want them to work for free?
  12. Be active, or don't complain, I've not got a lot, I don't whine when I don't, I'm grateful for getting this one
  13. Well still they already extended it. Don't wait til the last minute lol
  14. Lol when did they extend it twice?  last night was the first time they extended but.. ok
  15. Totally poison ivy
  16. Ivy, obviously the dn and ec purchases benefit them :roll:
  17. Lol honestly its just a game..but I agree that there should've been a better increase on the cubes and I don't spend my whole life on this game like others do so good for everyone who got what they wanted.
  18. ?Peeta i never said it didnt?So why say my name??
  19. Hunt over
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