[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. If they extended the hunt them it'll cause more problems period. What will they do for the people who completed the hunt or their hunt goal in the original time?
  2. It's the final countdown....
  3. Avis..... ATA love
  4. I tried to get Jem.
  5. Nothing deadman, you completed the hunt, congrats, just wait then
  6. Please extend more lol
  7. No because how exactly is that fair for us then? If time is extended then those who completed in original time frame should get something extra.
  8. ATA love..... xoxo
  9. Half hour! Go go gooooo!
  10. Can't wait to use avis.... lolz
  11. Rainbow Brite, Gem, and GI Joe are awesome
  12. Not really, its just an extra day. The only person I've seen so far that's completed the hunt and is complaining is you :| you haven't even hit 7.5 so you can do that :)
  13. Someone has over 10k 
  14. I don't want 7500 it's just an award
  15. I can't wait till this hunt is over, I want my avatars
  16. Ata give everyone everything every hunt saves all the hassle 

    On a side note next time make different parties drop mos like not cat cafe an pizza pop
  17. Me too noob, I'm excited lolz
  18. … annnnd the avatars sharing slips like last time…

    …annnnd everyone gets the avatars… completed hunt or not…

    …annnd another avatar contest to compensate…

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