[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. The hunt has already been extended •_•
  2. It would be so awesome if ata could extend until midnight! I'm so close. Low drop rates suck. 
  3. Disagree with buying the avatar at the store.. unless you sell it for 690ec, or else, what's the point of the hunt. Especially for those we spent 69ec each for a cat. If can buy, I'll just wait till end of hunt and spend $5 for the avatar, why spend $7 for the cat...️
  4. At a this gonna be the first hunt I don't get 4 Avis for why at a why mess up my record
  5. How many more hours do we have
  6.  Ata this hunt has depressed a lot. Most can't stay up 24/7 and most have loyalty to their clubs so they don't LBH. I also agree about letting us buy the avi in the store.
  7. Please make avatars available to buy or extend hunt till midnight 
  8. Yeah, what about the the Pldt ? ?
  9. They already extended it when the shouldn't have only due to connectivity error and the definitely should not be for sale. The hunt is not made so everyone wins either you do or don't suck it up.
  10. Still not gonna get avatars not fair.... smh
  11. I don't think we should be able to buy it, if your willing to buy it you should be willing to buy a cat and go to a b2b cc
  12. Point blank all you saying don't let us buy them have stayed up and partied countless hours and have over 5k cubes, I purchase cats, but I wasn't able to make the 5k, that is a massive amount of cubes and well I have a life outside of Pimd and can't party 24/7. I still would like to get the premium if possible ata. ️
  13. I need 100 cubes for my goal yall think i can reach it
  14. Yes if your club completes two cc quick?
  15. Most people don't lbh anymore because lbh don't give you good drops. Period. Otherwise people would be frantically hopping left right everywhere.
  16. How much time left? 
  17. About 3 hours and 17 minutes?
  18.  thanks still have enough time to get the basic avi at least
  19. Good luck, I got those already but I wish I was atleast near 5k 
  20. No extension, I want. mY avis, and no being ablessed to buy In Store
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