[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. It's called loyalty, how about instead of me having to leave my club for a hunt they stop punishing strong players for being successful in the game? Having a club of strong players shouldn't be a disadvantage.
  2. And when your in a club doing cc with only like 50active hitters milking you get 200 if your bc??
  3. Lol those eyes :lol:
  4. It's obvious that the drops are not going of number of hits as much as it appears to be going off of the rankings of money earned during the party. People complained about equal drops so they changed it. Equal drops was definitely better than this new system they ate using.
  5. I'm not saying don't be loyal. I'm saying that's part of the downfall of being in a gigantic club. I was OFH for years, and I am not trying to tell you to leave them. I'm telling you if you're unhappy that you're not getting 200, go to a smaller club. Hell, take some friends with you. My club is closer than most because we've been lucky enough to have some cats.. That produced more cats and bikinis, and so on. It helps everyone... Including your home club, if some people leave temporarily for this hunt. So, how's that for loyalty?
  6. When there was equal drops yall complained about lbh having an advantage so just shuddup and play if you don't like the drops or how they are making the game quit or don't participate.
  7. As you seem to have based the female ava on Gem and rainbow bright from the eighties. Whats the male avas guna be? teddy ruckspin and he-man? Geez. Also been doing b2b cat cafe since start of hunt & im barely over 4 thousand so can u increase drops? Last few hours. These hunt targets are set too high devs. Give us a chance or alot of players will be giving up chasing these hunts. Thx
  8. Pimd decrease that do LBH because its unfair tho??

  9. @TN

    Inform me of this "Don't Participate" feature you speak of.....
  10. @TN

    Please inform me of how one cannot participate when it drops automatically. Tell me of this magical "Don't Participate" button......
  11. Don't participate in the hunt I mean don't complain on a thread about drops just party and play how you play with no hunt in progress. Like I do, If I get something from the hunt cool great if I don't get anything that's cool too idc lol.
  12. ^ That's how it's common sense buddy
  13. Lol really? ^ obviously he's not going out of his way to get it
  14. Did I say he was going out of his way? I don't even know him lol he asked me a question I answered in the general public term not a specific person.
  15. Lmao @ TN Such anger and hostility. I guess one could say if you don't like what people have to say then you shouldn't read. Lmso
  16. But it shouldn't be a downfall. Being strong in a strong club should be a perk, not a disadvantage. It shouldn't hurt you to be successful in the game.
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