[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Lol only way to get 5k was by partying all day and night no way normal parties would gave more lol we did pp only gives max 11 other maybe 50 or more cubes so get your facts right , cats and pizza least gives 100 or over if u are doner allowed to unload get least 200 ...
  2. ^you're wrong I get 200 from each cat cafe and that's from milking
  3. The half upgrade was for all players not only noobs…


    They male avatars will be shown soon i guess… i hope for a pweaty boy.
  4. ?TN right if you milk cc no dns no unloads you can get 200cubes?
  5. Everyone can milk but if active members are 100/99… you sure won't make the 200 lol
  6. Then ur party must be slow , to get 200 , I milked cat cafe I got 150 max
  7. ??Rules nobody unloads nobody dns slow milk you get 200?
  8. I understand you luchos…

    More active hitters=fast party. Milk or not.

    Less active hitters =slow party .milk or not.
  9. That's the perks of being in a smaller club. Also @bread If the half off was for everyone how come the bcs couldn't get half off for a week? If you go reread the thread ata made it was for the noobs to gain ground on the bc players.
  10. We've done a ton of cats in OFH during this hunt and the ONLY times I've gotten over 150 cubes are the two parties I dropped dn's. Milking it, even being the top hitter in the party, has frequently dropped closer to 120-140 cubes
  11. Lol which bcs???

    lol being bc that time doesnt mean the half wasnt for bcs too!!

    infact a bc changed build using that 33% off!

    omg please… don't act ad if it was for noobs. It was for all players.
  12. i mean don't act ignorant lol :lol:
  13. I have done b2b cats in our club not being top hitter getting 60 hits in a cat and get 200 nearly every time. It's an advantage in a smaller club when hunt goes off hits.
  14. has loads of people not managed to reached 5k cubes? Or it it only me who had no chance? :| :lol:
  15. Then you should be in a smaller club dropping cats, Hayley 
  16. Yea what she said. :)
  17. Lol TN?To much crying yes they could of helped out the lil people more?But they gave us and extra 24hrs?So just be happy?A year ago at this time you got nothin from ata be happy for what they give us now?To much crying?
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