[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. 1 day 11 hours left.
  2. Thank u sooo much ATA :) :)
  3. I hate this event. It's menr only cat clubs.
  4. now those who gave up on the event will be mad at ata for extending the time… :eek:
  5. PimD save me this time. 7500 Roobix Cube or I Quit
  6. And the people that thaught only 'few' would be completing hunt…

    :lol: @ you.
  7. I'm still not participating srsly. If they let me gift I'll gift
  8. God Is Great XD
  9. I will make her mine 
  10. hoping that the premium ava has 40 strength and 10 intel. ?
  11. I hope 50% / 0% ?
  12. Do you even war
  13. Okay i found out 70% strenght and 10% strenght or 10% Strenght and 70% intelligence :Nerd:
  14. You aint find out shit
  15. Just a Hunt Fairy here ?
  17. :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol: :roll:
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