[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. 16 hours more.
  2. and ⇧ ur cubes disappears to serve me right :eek:
  3. Why my cubes?????
  4. So you re-start hunt! :evil:
  5. :roll: a little harsh
    I worked hard for my cubes /).(\
  6. Worked hard? Lol

  7. Well ill still be happy with my 2.5k roobix cube avis :D
  8. Yes I did 
    Unlike some people on here, I have a life to live in, so yes I worked hard for the avatar
  9. That basic ava is pretty!

    I like her.

    Oh you payed in cc club or bought cats? I gotcha!!
  10. Well i atleast reached my first goal of 2.5k cubes so i'm happy
  11. :lol: you think I payed that's funny
  12. Your club does lots of premium parties. Lucky you.

    So pimd what about reg. Clubs?
  13. Not my club I'm a merc done have a club I just get lucky when I find a good one :roll:
  14. When are we going to see the make avis
  15. If we were able to gift these cubes, I would to help people out, because thats the kind of person i am helpful, but they are not :roll:
  16. I don't think we will see the male avis
  17. you would only help your alts :eek: kind ofc :roll:
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