[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. ^ true 
  2. Why post? Pimd no listen. we have problem on the number one day & all days & they no care so I no care. I no want hunt. I play same & NO SPEND my money!! Pimd no get money of me for hunt. Jaja!!!
  3. I'm so close to 2,500 I can taste it. :twisted:
  4. Where are the male avatars????
  5. What are the stats of the avatars? ._.
  6. This hunt is/was hard. But the avatars worth it! they are pretty!
  7. omgggg the premium one is so awesome

    Ty so much pimd
  8. This sucks. I like both of the avatars but I work all week and can't use my phone at work. Then these drop rates aren't very good
  9. I just want to know if I party the same with both accounts why my lower kcs is getting more drops it doesn't make sense when they have hit the same amount of times I honestly would like have an answer as to why
  10. Did anyone else see note that says drop rates will stay the same for the rest of the hunt or is that just me
  11. Pimd why can't u make at least the last 24 hrs alittle easier on players, make them giftable and/or increase drops?please.. We are giving u feedback to this hunt please listen?
  12. Yeh but they can change it?
  13. or maybe make giftable worth 1 ec for 100cube roobix.. i think u like people buy ec
  14. I wouldnt by 3500 ec for cubes. Panda i agrer so much, this hunt was an all around rip off, i love hunts! Im always excited n never complan about a hunt this one is poo :'(
  15. Speak by closing your wallets/purses is all I can say. It's bad when everyday players not in a cat cafe club can't complete a third of the hunt.
  16. I had money set aside for cats. If the goal was reachable, I would've spent. I kept my money.
  17. Do the avas have a bonus
  18. I doubt they are going to change it at this point I'm just do the weekend wars
  19. I have given up on hunts really. They get more and more ridiculous and unattainable. Even for those with higher stats.
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