[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. lol :lol: fail.
  2. I guess the male will be shown today|tonight|tomorow|…
  3. Make the cube giftable pls
  4. So my alts can spam me!
  5. PiMDie darling… can you show us statistics of how many people achieved level 1… level 2 … 3, 4 and 5?

    Just the number of players in each category…

    thank you.
  6. Increase drops for gosh sakes
  7. ATA u r so greedy... Wat to say else...
  8. Show us the male ava please ?
  10. How many more hours for the hunt to get over.. Can anyone post on my wall please
  11. Around 30hrs left more and I need 1300 cubes more smh smh stupid devs
  12. ^ stupid lcbc
  13. I'd liked to know why if both my accounts get 36 hits on the same party how it works out that my lower kcs acc is getting 130 cubes and my higher kcs acc is getting 111 cubes shouldn't it be equal or at least the bigger one getting the higher number?
  14. What's the stat of the premium Ava?
  15. i want it...!!!!!
  16. i want it...!!!!!
  17. Really disappointed. Usually I do not care about hunt but i feel cheated in this one. I participated as the preview of female avatars looked super and since they wont be on sale, wanted to win them.
    Its so obvious this is yet another money grabbing scheem. 4X for cat cafe and ppa, yet drops still suck so it's required to party 24/7 in a cc club to get basic avatars.

    I've been doing parties since hunt release. In first two/three days i made less than 300 cubes doing b2b reg parties. Since then i've been in b2b cc club and in total have only 1.5k, so in reality i had no chance of getting the premium avatars and the only reason i have a shot at the regular ones is because i'm doing cc non stop.

    I know that some people have made 5 thousand but Not all of us are no lives with insomnia.
  18. Those ppl r richi rich using lots of DNS :D n when they will quit n reset all money will n wasted lol ppl r dieing from hunger n we r buying DNS lol
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