[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Why can't the 80s die and stay dead ? the clothes...the hair...the makeup all sucked 

    But thanks for taking the top 200 away 
  2. @tinker what do u think if fa droped cubes and cat how they willmake.money ??
  3. The drops seem pretty low for 7500 with that time frame. I'm hoping drops increase or there are 2x drops coming half way through. But thanks for the hunt! Nice to have wars and hunts and new dorm mates, keeps me on my toes!!
  4. Pimd has given us a break lmao... We havent had a stupid hunt yet.
  5. Just have no life and play 24/7 then youll reach 7500 :)
  6. The roobiks cube for cat cafe actually drops between 55 to 100.
  7. Is a hunt if u dont like it need to do it... Stop complaining ?
  8. * don't do it 
  9. Pimd why do items drop, that you didn't even mention in this thread?
    Like the above ss of a "VHS AM DROIDS " item

    Why couldn't you just tell us... the same happened in the last hunt with that random lion... then you made an announcement about that a few days after everyone heard the rumors....

  10. Yes, what savage said :smile:
    The only thing you have to do is play 24/7
    till the hunt ends to get 7500


  11. How are we suppost to get to 7500 with 44 for a hour of cc do the math pimd it don't work
  12. It don't drop from fake art 101... no drops?
  13. Please decrease it,7500 is impossible
  14. I'm sure they will increase the drop rate like always. Just wait and see.
  15. Pls send me walk man and burger phone pls i will send 10 crabs foe those who send me
  16. It's impossible -.- pimd idk but always mess up one thing in everything y'all do. I know y'all ain't perfect but come on. IS MORE THAN ONE BRAIN THERE!!!! ...... Put it on use
  17. On the parties that drop more (cc and pizza pop) it doesn't drop much, how are we supposed to get 5000 within a week? Everyone I talk to says it'll be difficult
  18. Hunt just begin and people are already freaking out lol

    But Thanks Pimd! I've been wanting a hunt and you've finally delivered one :) thank you for listening to the feedback, you've given us wars, a hunt and the next levels!
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