[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Cool like Antarctican ice ???
  2. I respect everyone that respects me.. and treat strangers with general respect because that's how I want treated 
  3. but you farm ones that disrespect you?

  4. Sorry. not a wish-granting factory. Maybe on other thread? :D
  5. No ones knows who respects them (apart from being told) … you will never know.

    People change.

    Eg: if i disrespect you and you treat the issue or situation like what a respectable (cool person) would do…

    i tend to respect you and regret my actions.

    But then if i disrespect you and you get flamed up by using farming or other methods…

    ✘it clears your name from the list of cool people.…

    but people change so …

    Pimdie will you change? :sad:
  6. i am not cool.… shoud someone disrespect me…

    i will farm the person till he/she knows what respect is.

    But should i be cool?

    i would change the topic/ concentrate on my opnions and ideas… and wouldn't even acknowledge the presence of such a person.

    I would ignore totally!!

    Cool people are just soo cool.
  7. Our issue is solved. I'm sad my emoji don't work on here.
  8. Back to complaining only 3 players will get the avis?
  9. I have premium lol does that make 4? Haha
  10. Make the cube giftable or increase the drop rate n a day of hunt pls ata
  11. giftable plsss…

    so my litle alts can gift me theirs :lol:

  12. what will be the time in SGT..when the hunt ends?

    thanks :lol:
  13. ^3am next day
  14. For some reason… the normal avatar is prettier…

    is it just my eyes? :lol:
  15. No the normal avi is so much better ^
  16. We can't see they boy Avi?
  17. Yeah it's :D
  18. i bet pimdie is wishing the had posted the purple one as basic and the rainbow one as premium lol

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