[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Okay kid. You're the only one I called kid here and I dont wanna argue with you anymore. :)
    Im not showing any disrespect to you or to anyone. I didnt say that "your opinion is wrong" or etc.
    Dyou think hitting/farming low stats here with your alt will give you respect? I guess no :)
    I choose to end this convo with you. Thank for your time :)
  2. Page 89 you said that to everyone, not me.
  3. Im ignoring you actually :)
    except now lol. I dont want to start another argument here.
  4. Lol … respect is earned.

    You can't trade/buy/bully/do some actions that will get you respect lol.

    I feel bad for the one being farmed.

    All blame piMDie for making us all sad and being the reason that we fight ourselves … so we can earn respect lol :lol:
  5. How do you ignore and post another comment replying to the person your ignoring??? Mind blown.....
  6. Ata can you please extend the hunt for a few more days? D;
  7. It's not bullying. It's common decency of respecting people's views. You can't just be rude and say whatever you want to people here or in real life. There are consequences.
  8. That's the purpose of the word EXCEPT :)
  9. lol do you know what a cool person will do in such situations?

    cool people ignore! they don't farm or talk back but all well…

    All blame piMDie!
  10. If your response to someone giving a valid opinion is to "get a life" then yes its childish.

    Also our comments are to ATA so why are you even replying to them? Is it because you're giving your opinion? If so, why is it ok for you to have your say but its not ok for us?
  11. i admire cool people. Since i am not cool.

    I respect cool people.
  12. Coz he thinks he has a genius mind ?
  13. Cool people earn my respect.

    But piMDie you can earn one by giving me unlimited hypnocats…

    Guess u don't need mine :sad:
  14. Good comment to lighten, bread. I'm just saying that if someone is allowed to be disrespectful to people with no consequences, why would they ever start being respectful? Might sound odd, but it's for the greater good. Maybe next time he won't insult people on here.
  15. If that is your opinion about childish then its not my problem :) I respect that.
    Im not answering your comments to ATA lol. as if I'll get something if I do that.
    They walled me first so I replied to them thats all :)
    You can just ignore other's opinion if you dont want them. and I choose to ignore the next arguments here. :)
    Thanks all and goodluck to hunt. lol :D
  16. Page 89 and 90 don't lie. It's in print how rude you were to everyone on the thread. Why pretend it wasn't true?
  17. Lol i get you but i guess if you were cool…

    you would have ignored the comments long ago…

    You aren't cool tho. Cool people don't farm to 'change' the bad manners of someone (on pimd ofc).

    There are some cool people on here.

    I am not cool by poking my nose into ur business… u get it?…

    but i respect cool people. You would have been cool to me should i know you weren't farming him.

    Cool people can stand up to 'flames' becausr they are just sooo coooool!!!
  18. I have a lot of things I wanna say but nevermind. :D Good day people :D
  19. i respect cool people!!

    Well cool people deserve to be respected anyway…
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