[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. The only things that you guys do is complain.*
  2. I didn't know asking for an increase or extension/tier deduction was complaining lol
  3. I'm not talking about you peeta. I really like your idea.
  4. Nothing wrong with this hunt actually it's just to gie the complainers something to actually cry about since you guys always complain on every single thing that they do for you.
  5. I agree with prince
  6. We also do a lot for them you know. Without us there would be no game. Asking for a time increase isnt whining, I bet you've asked for many things in your lifetime lol.
  7. Gotta love those who leave their clubs to go to cc clubs  the loyalty is amazing
  8. I've stayed in my home clubs for every hunt but this one, I'm in a brand new club. So yes I left for a cc club, but will be back. 
  9. Why not drop the cat for your home club? Thats what I dont get.
  10. Because most hc doesn't do b2b pizza art or cc raven. And so dropping a cat doesn't make any difference. Plus every once in awhile, we want to join a b2b cc club to make some easy cash to upgrade and or to complete our goal for the hunt.
  11. I've bought one for my home club and dropped when it first started a few days ago, bought one to get into a cc club. ?
  12. Guess Id rather drop so my members benefit and not other clubs.
  13. That's your choice though...
  14. Thats why I said "I'd"

    Never said you had to agree with me.
  15. Nothing wrong with this hunt?

    ONLY THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD TO DO BACK TO BACK CAT CAFE CAN COMPLETE HUNT (either in their HomeClun or in a b2b cat cafe club) . Thats whats wrong...

    Those who cant afford, well, sorry, ata forgot about you, better luck next hunt. I have partied since hunt started.. now i have 693 cubes.. and im supposed to be happy that ata gave me even level 1, LOL.
  16. I see your point. But it's a little easier for you to say in this situation because -A- is a big club, i see a lot of cc and pizza parties in the club history so you don't really need to go anywhere really. Some of us players have a small hc so if we stay in the club, we wouldn't be able to advance much. I think it's only okay if you leave the club every now and then, as for those supposedly "perm" members who continuously party in the the cc club, guess they aren't really perm member after all. 
  17. Whoops. Posted with the wrong account. Bypassed eh??
  18. Regardless on the size of your club, cats still cost the same amount lol. Actually small clubs have it better because you dont have as many hitters so you can milk longer.
  19. Lol well yeah I guess but small clubs are usually full of new players and or low stat players who aren't quietly at the level where they want to spend real money on pimd just yet. Aha let's just agree to disagree instead but good to know there are still true loyal member like you on here.
  20. Okay I'm in b2b cat club and a perm member leaves and makes more than she would have if she stayed so 
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