[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Extend the hunt please.. Add 5 more days
  2. Use the feedback button guys
  3. Please extend Hunt until Thursday!!!!
  4. I go onto PIMD daily. But yet, only today I got the notification thing-o for this. Today is 8th August PDT. 3 days after it started. Isn't this a tad unfair to those who don't check forums daily?
  5. Rainbow bright and Jem

    What's the male? He-man and GI JOE?
  6. Maybe the male avatar will look like Mel Gibson with mullet hairdo lol
  7. Ugggg never getting rewards 
  8. Id love a He Man avi, him and his Excalibur sword lol
  9. Oh my gosh he man and G.I. Joe are in the thread I made lol :lol:
  10. Take this hunt ata and stick it 
  11. Tht premium avi is a turn on :p
  12. Well then 
  13. 1 star rating coming right up!
  14. I don't think the hunt needs to be extended :roll:
  15. Give them time to fix the issue and read feedback before giving them the one star️

    You may all rate the game when the hunt is over.
  16. 1star isn't low enough rating
  17. Need to make drop rate better for last 48hrs it pathetic rate at the moment 
  18. Worthless cubes
  19. Lol giving a 1 star rating just cuz ata doesn't want to increase drop rate. Mkay
  20. They're just another avatar, fret not
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