[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Stalker
  2. If you really wanted to hunt, you'd be hunting for cubes and not on forums posting whiney complaints 10 times a day  I didn't buy a cat and I'm doing pretty well.
  3. ^ you are doing pretty well because people are buying cats in your club.

  4. ^Stop complaining no one saying you have to participate
  5. I am participating cos i love the avatar.

    But i can complain all i want… its not your account anyeay ;)
  6.  omg!!! That Ava!!! Love it!!! 
  7. and if you are butthurt cos i am complaining… you can chose to ignore my comments…

    they aren't meant for you to read anyway!
  8. I'm not butthurt you're complaining because ata isn't handing you the avi's like they always do
  9. so what?^

    you want me to feed you? Or teach you something?
  10. simply mind your own business.

    You are not ata/pimd and i will be glad if they told me to stop complaining.
  11. At a has never jus handed Avis out
    They made it a challenge but a do able challenge

    This hunt is not do able unless you are willing to spend the money
  12. Show us the male one
  13. Will the avatars be available to buy? 
  14. This is the last hunt?
  15. Hell no ^ I WOULD CRY.
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