[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. I've been hunting my butt off and only have 168 cubes ? I'll be lucky to even make it to 500, much less 2500 to get the avatar 
  3. Pimd please answer the community?This hunt needs a drop increase?Im not one that complains but this hunt is so unfair and just a tease to showoff new avatar when half wont have chance to get it unless theres a increase in drops?
  4. Please give is a drop increase, on regular parties. I refuse to leave my home club just to get these Avis. Please oh please oh please Pimd. ?
  5. please increase drops PimD
    I'm trying so hard to get the avatar, and now I am considering not sleeping
  6. Where's the leaderboard? ?
  7. Increase the drop rate to 1 per party. Do it pimd dooooooo It :twisted:
  8. Decreased :roll:
  9. the ava is rainbow brite doll I had one when I was lil be cute to get
  10. @pimd plz give the guy premium ava 35/5 stat strength /intell.... We need that...
  11. No since its the last hunt make this avatar the best 45/10
  12. I don't get it. I've been on every day but am only just now finding out about this from a notification. Not fair.
  13. ^ you must not read the forums

  14. Lop and pimd community is not answering coz they r now on peek of greedyness :D
    Whine whine guys they won't give a damn coz they r earning they don't need free players money hungry bi***es
  15. No the point is it's a HUNT
  16. Omg you've been bitching the entire hunt^ just do the hunt or don't. Nobody is forcing you tbh.
  17. That was for stalker..
  18. I m not doing :p m not stupid enough to waste my time
    But I wana whine coz I really wanted to do hunt but D: what should I say to ata now any awsome abusive word??? ?
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