[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. ^ lol yet you said its a bit unfair.

    No matter how you look at it… this hunt isn't fair!
  2. Invisible stalker, you're pretty much crying about free drops, deal with it. Why would they give away hypno cats away so easily when it can be bought for $7 .. think about it.
  3. I don't care about the cat drops or the bikini drops if I want one then I can buy one but what I do care about is this hunt and what I'm hunting is cubes and I'm getting irritated because people are complaining about the wrong things at the wrong time and pimd is going to pass up important people complaints because they Will be irritated by the time they get to the important ones.
  4. M not talking about only the hunt but also for upgrading purpose
    Next hunt will b more unfair if level of greed rises
  5. Only people re bc get 200 in cat cafe?
  6. You little ****s.

    Appreciate what ATA gives us and shut your god damn mouths.

    Awesome Ata.
  7. Just get to 1k cubes at least. Free ec and dn
  8. You (in general) have to appreciate what is given to you, ata could of have you nothing /).(\ ata is trying to keep is satisfied and working for stuff. Things dong just come free......I think it's nice of ata to give us a hunt
  9. If they are giving something and not nothing… it is only fair for them to be fair to the players.

    I will appreciate the hunt if i see the benefit of it to me.… as a player who also play hard.
  10. Little red mike and Ike
    Ummm ata gets paid for us being online using there sever if they didn't they would charge us to get online ok... Secondly idk where you get free at because we all,work hard on this game as if it was our full time job....third I never ever complain about this game but this hunt is making me mad and if This is what we looking forward to for the future that's it I quit seriously. So I'm here lurking to see of ata will comment back to let us know it will only be this way for this hunt or they will,keep every hunt the same....
  11. But. For every party I do I only get about 6-10 cubes 
  12. ⇧ because this hunt is not fair my dear.

    Ata was not fair to players with this hunt.
  13. Guys don't worry.. I'm in a b2b cc club and I only have 1k drops. Only the dn users at cat cafe can get 7500 because they always get 200 every party.. lol ATA is forcing us to spend a lot for this hunt.. but you know what? I already have avatars from the last hunts so I don't mind not getting anything this time. Not gonna spend for dns. No no no ATA. HAHA
  14. Bread look how fast your attitude changed.. first you say it was fair and for ATA not to increase drops and now look at you.
  15. Ata really cheaped out this hunt. You will have to dn on cats to reach top. And im not buying any. Even the rewards are cheap. ONE ec? I get that from unloading on jobs. Not even enough for the damn burger phone. You Still suck ata.
  16. I don't get EC from jobs. Lucky^
  17. Based off luck ^
  18. Yes i changed after visiting a b2b cat party club.

    Its then i realized the concerns of the average players!!
  19. The way I see it who cares the the avi's should be special I hated working hard for them then having ata throw the hunt away the last few days so if you don't like hunts maybe they should just stick to the rare party drop avi
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