[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. ^ you are in a b2b cc … so you will never understand.
  2. If someone is sponsoring you cats… its is different.

    This goes for players who aren't sponsored nor buy cats!
  3. ??What if you dont wanna merc??I mean this hunt is really sad?But i still have faith that pimd is lurking and will increase drops?Maybe this weekend so lets stop complaining and see what happens?
  4. Increasing drops may or may not be necessary if ata would let one of the horrible paying easy parties that last for 3 hours or 4 drop as much as that of cat cafe.

    It will bring fairness in this hunt.
  5. So please tell me PIMD will y'all be giving out double cubes the last two days of this event because at this rate I'm never gonna make it and I've been hitting every party so it's definitely on y'all end. So please do something
    thanks ️
  6. Is there a rare drop?
  7. The drop rate sucks!!
  8. And please next time… make a new party for the hunts.

    One party (party A) - this would drop the hunt items as much as party B but with a very horrible payout and doesn't drop "party B unlocker"

    Party B - this will need an unlocker (pary B unlocker) in other to start the party like in cat cafe but the hunt items drop as much as party A with a nice payout as(like) cat cafe.

    'Party B unlocker "will only be available in store and wouldn't be droping in any party for free.

    Ata please consider my suggestion.
  9. And just a question that cross my mind did y'all think that we was all stupid and not realize the drop rate sucks. Or did y'all want to sit around laughing at everyone Complaints while y'all counting money.. Hoping we would get desperate and spend more money on DNS on cats???
  10. And ijs I wish you guys could just give an announcement the next time we do these hunts and say look not everyone will make it were only giving 5-50 what drops per party and if your looking to make it big then spend Xxx amout of money on this and that and it will make it more clear for the people who wants to participate or not... And btw pimd I'm not 100% mad at y'all over this hunt because a lot of cry babies mad the drop rate the way it is. I'm about 75% mad because I've been loyal to y'all for 3 years and I hate this hunt the most out of any hunt we've done because of the stupid changes....
  11. They increase a little bit the drop rate but still 2500 cubes is not attainable if you will not do a cat/pizza party...

    This sucks! This is the worst hunt I encounter.
  12. Ata this hunt wasn't fair … And you know it now if you didn't know it before.

    Most of the players are trying very hard to deal with it cos they know you do not care anyway.

    But this time… atleast show us some care.

    Some players are sucking it up lol
    Some are really dealing with it

    Some really wants to complete this hunt but thank you being soo unfair… they are sucking it up… and it will only be a dream for them.
  13. This game is nice… becoming money racist won't make us(those of us that love the game) rate it low …

    no. We still rate it 5 Stars!! because we just love this game .

    Have you ever being inlove but still weep inside your soul?

    thats how this game is becoming.

    Those of us that love it but doesn't have any opportunity to buy credit cards or support it the way you want is really sucking it up.

    I am really sucking it up ata… i love this game but i am sucking it up.

    Should i be able to buy ecs… i would spend bilions but since i am not able… i am sucking it up.

    I am dealing with it. Thank you for making someone that likes you soo much weep inside the soul.

    Things need to change… things really need to change.…

    Yes i am crying. Yes i am a cry baby. Why … because my mistake is falling inlove with this game and sucking it up everyday hoping they change their money racist ways.
  14. Gave up on this stupid hunt now will play easy n hell I give u 1 cent
  15. I am never giving up…

    lets do this ata… you don't care apparenty but i am hoping you start to care even on my last breath (last minute for hunt to end)
  16. They won't they just need money n if players r throwing Money. oh my God who the hell cares. We r getting what we need so keep whining (pimd devs)
  17. Rating it one star 
  18. lol true :lol: our voices won't reach them.…but you never know until you try.

    Ata be fair to all players huhuhuhu :cry:
  19. Stop complaining about the hunt the past few hunts they've been giving the avis away finally one that is a bit unfair if you don't have cat but still everyone won't have all the damn same avi
  20. Like other apps it will b gud If they start promo like log in promo log in these days n get a chance to win 1-2 cats it will b lil bit easy or just increase cat drop rate like 20-30% for 1-2 days it sucks u party all day n get 1 cat
    Just a suggestion that u guyz start promo kinda like that n decrease ur greediness little bit plz. U already knw ur rating is decreasing now as there r free players more than rich ppl
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