[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Yes, we are whining coz this game has gotten so expensive.. wasn't like this all the time. Certainly wasn't like this a year ago. We used to buy dns, that's for sure. And sometimes ec if we really wanted a showcase item. Or name change. But now almost all updates / events are planned to make us all spend more and more realmoney.
  2. If PIMD had been a 'Pay to Win' game from the start, its user base would never have gotten so big. ATA are smart. First they draw players in, then when they have enough they start throwing these pay to win schemes in.
  3. Well, not smart enough. Coz they are overdoing it. Players were willing to spend at the start. But 6 months of cat cafe, lol. Ive seen big spenders leave game.. Rating has dropped.. Hmmm.. I wonder what happens next.

    ?if not active in party within first 5 mins gives you an kick ?
    ?NO RP
    ? reapply if you are kicked when active
    ? have fun

    {most admins will drop cats}
    dns are aloud
    2 for non donor
    6 for donor
  5. [​IMG]
    Why devs did not say anything about this??
  6. Coz it was a surprise :p

    ?if not active in party within first 5 mins gives you an kick ?
    ?NO RP
    ? reapply if you are kicked when active
    ? have fun

    {most admins will drop cats}
    dns are aloud
    2 for non donor
    6 for donor
  8. ?Join Ad mort3m??B2B prank primer? CUBES ? cc 2 dsn nondonor? 6dns donor?
  9. ??Stop posting club ads on this thread?
  10. This hunts made for the b2b cc clubs I swear. Not everyone wants to waste their money on cats. It's just a pointless game. Leaving soon️
  11. ????
     Fast Cat Cafe RdS 
     ? = 6 day stay Dn on own cat Join now Come get your roobix cubes
  12. Guys keep it on topic or leave the thread.
  13. I am tired of pimd now seriously…

    the game is becoming boring

    Ata doesn't care about some of the players (not that they cared before)

    Actually paying players will always pay… one thing i realised is … paying players doesn't actually 'know' how it feels 'now' on pimd to be a non paying player.

    Paying player :(B2b cc) i partied all night but still have 1k cubes

    Non paying player (average club): i partied all night too yet i have 156 cubes!!

    the truth is … the paying player only interacts with another paying player while the other also interacts with average club members.

    Now when everything is over…

    Non paying player (average club member): aww i coudn't make it to win the avatars. I never slept! ata is soo unfair. It hurts!

    paying player (b2b cc) : i made it… this hunt was easy !! Ata what about those who got 8k+ … i didn't sleep to get them.

    Yes both players didn't sleep. Both players might have used same time in
    hunting but since ata wasn't fair… because ata is money face / led by money nowadays…

    one player would be affected/treated badly/ baised on … even tho he/she will give his or her all!!

    ata this sucks. It really does.

    I have been supporting you these days not becausr you are doing what is wanted by the community but i wanted you to realize where you are heading is bad.

    Treat everyone equal!

    cat buyers/dn buyers/ec buyers all get their fair share in doing cat party and gaining fast money for upgrade.… please atleast let the hunt be fair for all of us. Do not be money racist!!

    same amount of drops that drops in cat cafe could be dropping in cabana cool or wait listed… if you want to punish non cat buyers/ec buyers that much… you can even make same amount drop in a new party you will make but that doesnt need any cat or anything to start it… horrible pay but the drops of cubes same as that of the cat cafe…

    if you hate non ec buyers that much… atleast be fair to us… even if you want to treat us as garbage… we are still your players…

    Don't be money racist!!
  14. ^ yeah. in a cc club now. Hope I make it. :D
  15. ^ lmao :lol:
  16. lol this hunt is totally unfair!

    ata should considet non payers as players too.

    Atleast make the drops drop more like cat cafe in one of the parties or make a new one with very very horrible psy but drops are as good as that of cat cafe for the sake of a fair hunt
  17. I have never spent a dime on this game and every hunt I have tried on I have gotten the premium avatars. Step your merc game up people. Oh and I still get plenty of sleep.
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