[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. It is great to hear that another event is on! But I miss the scavenger hunts where you dont know whats dropping where and you get to interact with others and trade... instead of just ...collecting MASS amounts.
  2. The hunts that involved collecting and exchanging parts only benefited those with alts and the rich again.

    Now these hunts will benefit only the rich excluding alts which is good.
  3. Sthu bread your starting to agitate we get you pay to play Congrats now go wang or somethin. Pssh think paying to play as free app is cool
  4. u gonna show us avatars?
  5. sorry @ dexter_

    the truth hurts!
  6. I like this hunt because there is no top 200!

    now compitition is between how you can make 5000-7200…

    I can't make it to even to lvl 1 :cry:

    but the truth is: this hunt is 98% near perfection.

    Since nothing can be perfect anyway!
  7. owh ty ata u r so kind, u will give us 1EC .....after such 69 hunts i can buy a cat thanx so much 
  9. ^ buy dns :lol:
  10. and cats :lol:
  11. Such a shocker that it'll benefit the "pay-in-app" partiers the most
  12. This is a game.

    Real gamers never pay

    They PLAY!
  13. We need some damn Guns N' Roses and Mötley Crüe stuff bros!!  You don't have the 80's without rock music!! You just don't!! 
  14. If drop rates won't increase, I better forget this hunt. Simply impossible!

    Another round of hunt for the 90's
  16. Actually bread, real gamers pay for gear,rigs, and games themselves unless they're sponsored 
  17. lol this is a free game.

    So let me rephrase.

    Real gamers in a free game

    Do not pay !

    they play!

  18. in a free game… there are always chances to get what a 'fake gamer (payer) gets without buying/paying.
  19. Why am I only getting 12 cubes when I do cc? ?? I'll never complete
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