[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Ata nt tired its unfair:,(give us back our lives ata lol hunt samore haiyo
  2. They will most likely change drop rate they have last 5 hunts. We have to give them some kinda credit there trying to make changes to the game.. at least there starting to listen to the players.. sit back and just play the game and relax they know with this drop rate it's not possible... I'm sure changes will come. And when it does people will complain about that too? And I'm sure there not going to reimburse for parties that didn't drop..didn't cost us anything but time. Can't give time back....
  3. Better don't change drop rate. Change the achievements
  4. Please those who spam dn per cc party
  5. Superman can do it, with an average of 40-60 drops from Cat Cafe in 4 days. Poor little guys very hard for for them to get lvl 1. Hope you increase the drop rate.
  6. That's what there aiming for. People to use unlimited DNS and for super fast cc.we have completed it in less then 1min before. When that dont happen they will change drop rate. They have to try to make some really money first... it's a business
  7. Please show us ava stats and their faces.  We don't want to be wasting so much time for puny avas.

    And please increase drop rate soon. 
  8. Come on ATA! You guys should know the numbers by now. You dont have to be a math genius to figure that out
  9. @pimd you said they would drop in individual wars as well. So they will drop with the foam dart guns as well this sunday?
  10. But a lot of clubs don't allow unloading and dns on cc parties or they'll get kicked...
  11. Do solo cat cafe or join RDS
  12. What are the stats to the Avis. All I need to know. If its 40% strength I'm shooting.if not I'm fine.
  13. I like this new idea of the hunts.

    No more lbh…

    all you need to do is get a fixed amount if items…

    This is cool PiMd!!
  14. Now it's for those who use RL money :D
  15. Ive been in so many parties! No roobix cubes were given!
  16. 30 Cat cafe/day to complete this hunt
  17. Ppl are right. Drop rate is low for how much we are expected to be able to get
  18. Every time! Every hunt we all panic, spend longer on here, some spend more money. It will all be good. Just don't expect lvl 5
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