hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Raith: I'm fucking bored. *Throws a random hex at a random student and smirks as they run off with boils on their face*
  2. -Walks out from behind Raith- What was that for?
  3. Raith: *Scowls again* Cause I felt like it. Why, is there a problem?
  4. You can't go around casting hexes at random people -Stops the hex-
  5. Raith: Oh? And why's that? Don't tell me that Ms. Slytherin is a goody two-shoes.
  6. Goody two shoes or not. It's school rules. -Glares at him, secretly intimidated-
  7. Raith: *Laughs loudly* School rules! What're you gonna do, tell a teacher? Take away points from Slytherin? It's not like our House ever wins anyways, so why even bother?
  8. -Rolls eyes and looks away defeated-
  9. Raith: Yeah, that's what I thought... Coward. Why you're Slytherin's heir is beyond comprehension... (He's not a stupid bully >:3)
  10. It's not as if I chose to be heir of Slytherin...
  11. Raith: Yeah, whatever. You should at least act like an heir of Slytherin. Hmph... *Glances over at you*
  12. Well, if you're so wise, how should I act? Because I have no idea. -Leans against the wall-
  13. Raith: Like a Slytherin. We're known for being mean, spiteful people, right? Go ahead, be selfish, be mean, be an ass. Just don't be a freaking pretty girl that's happy to help. Slytherins are known to be treacherous. You should be the embodiment of that. *Turns away*
  14. Slytherins won't be known for being spiteful for much longer...
  15. Raith: *Looks sharply at her* Oh? And why's that?
  16. I plan to change it
  17. Raith: *Narrows eyes* and how do you plan to do that?
  18. -Seals my lips with a spell-
  19. Raith: *Shrugs* Whatever. *Walks off*
  20. -Shifts back into my 13 year old form and wanders the halls-