hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Jess: -Scratches her neck sheepishly, thinking you've been here for over a year now Jess. Surely your not lost?Winces, looking around. Keeps on walking-
    Bandit: -Bites down on her lip and drums her finger on a desk, thinking hard- Homework's too difficult... -Says after a while-
  2. Ari: *Hugs Lauryn back, and turns* Hello
  3. James: -huddled under my civets-
  4. Lauryn: *Sighs* Unfortunately, I have a meeting I need to attend... Sorry!
  5. -Apperates to James-
  6. -keeps tapping aris shoulders-
  7. Connor: d-didn't hurt me!
  8. Jess: -Sighs, walking around-
    Bandit: -Chewing her pencil-

    (What Jess looks like: ((Sorry about size and the effects.))

    [​IMG] )
  9. Riku: *Yawns and leaves the library*
  10. Lauryn: *Attends the meeting*
  11. Bandit: -Scrunches her homework up and throws it into the bin-
    Jess: -Looks around confused
  12. Riku: *Wanders, bored and looking for something to do*
  13. Bandit: -Walks out of the classroom, still puzzled over the homework-
    Jess: -Looks at the ceiling to see if she recognizes anything-
  14. Riku: Great, a free class and I don't have anything to do. *Yawns and leans against the wall*
  15. Bandit and Jess: -Walk around confused-
  16. I won't hurt you... Babe it's me