hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Ari: Lauryn! What's happened? *Frowns*
  2. ((Sorry, quitting game.. )': ))
  3. -Sits in a tree and curls up in a ball-
  4. Jess: -Sits at Ravenclaw table, in the Great Hall-
  5. -Walks past Jess-
  6. Lauryn: What? Oh, those... Well, Kris and I were chasing down the remaining Death Eaters... I'm fine, just a few cuts and stuff *Smiles*
  7. Kris: *Sitting at the DATDA teacher's chair in the Great Hall*
  8. -Skips up to Kris- Hey uncle
  9. Kris: Hello Sam *Smiles* (Isn't Sam almost Kris's age, lol?)
  10. Jess: -Chats to a few people on the table, filling her plate half full with food-
  11. Ari: *Raises an eyebrow* Okay
  12. Jess: -Looks around then tries a spell, turning her fork biright yellow. Laughs quietly-
  13. Lauryn: *Smiles* I'm just fine, you know how good of a healer Kris is. But now I have you to myself *Laughs*
  14. Ari: Oh yes you do *Grins*
  15. Lauryn: *Kisses her and locks the door* What would you like to do?
  16. Lauryn: Anything? Like..? *Grins a bit*