hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Rose:
    Chuckles. "Well, it is Do I look different to you or summit?" o_O
  2. Smiles and shakes my head- no maybe a little shorter but no
  3. Rose:
    "Shorter?!" -.- "Gee, thanks Jake. Love you too."
  4. Tay:-walkig around-
  5. Smiles- I grew up- I'm just a little taller- playfully taps your shoulder
  6. Rose:
    Pounces onto you playfully. "Meh. Not very quick though are you. You're losing your touch me darlin'." smirks.
  7. Holds you aginst me then flips you on to the table and points my wand at your neck then pulls it away- do you always jump on your opponents- smiles softly and looks into your eyes
  8. Rose:
    "Hm, nope. I usually do this." Points wand at your stomach backing you up. "Haha, win biatch." Chuckles softly.
  9. Smiles softly- if I hadn't learned to be undercontrol you wouldn't have gotten so lucky- quickly drops moveing your wand over my shoulder I stand up and hug you- it's good to see a fimiliar face
  10. Rose:
    Hugs back. "Good to see you not controlling Ang-" Freezes tearing up remembering what happened.
  11. I stand sill and slowly pulls you closer-
  12. Angela: -wanders around-
  13. Rose:
    Allows to be pulled closer, for some strange reason not really on my guard as I usually am, seeming more and more relaxed until I think of Angie. "She had a brain tumor, Jake, I couldn't save her... My sister died in my arms." Admits quietly.
  14. I hold you tightly- I'm so sorry rose...-a few tears fall but knows has to be strong for her
  15. Rose:
    "I talk to her sometimes..." Looks up at Jake. "Magic can do a lot... I tried bringing her back... I was legally dead for two hours afterwards... I should be dead not Angie, the first time when you killed me I should of stayed dead..."
  16. Rose don't say that your here for a reason and you just don't see it yet- keeps you close- and I...I should be dead to you know...
  17. Rose:
    Looks up and see's a tear on his cheek, wipes it away. "Hey you were influenced with evil, everyone makes mistakes Jake. You just needed some extra time to sort it out, if it's any use I forgive you Jake."
  18. I look down at her and smile a little- r really? You forgive me?
  19. Rose:
    "Yes. No use crying over spilt milk. If I hadn't of forgiven you Jake, We would be in mid-duel around now, and we're not.