hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. It's head appears and it stares at you-don't try
  2. Angelina: *Coughs, the hole in her heart opening* N-No!
    (Fact: I was going to be born 2 months early. If that happened, I would've had open heart surgery at age one because I wouldn't have had a fully developed heart like my uncle and grandfather didnt.
  3. I rea appear by Angelina- now for...hey whats wrong??- softly puts hand on shoulder
  4. -Looks at the window then back at the basilisk-
  5. It's tail shoots out and grabs you- no
  6. -Struggles- Let me go!
  7. No your staying- it glares at you
  8. -Tries to get free-
  9. It pulls you close to your bed-
  10. -Struggles and tries to get away- Help!
  11. No your to immature
  12. -Kicks and wriggles trying to get free-
  13. It holds you still-enough
  14. Enough Sam riddle-I puts you on your bed holding you there
  15. Angelina: *Shaking, coughing up blood* I-I'm too late!
  16. It's tongue flicks your wrist causing a sleeping agent to get in your blood
  17. Angelina!-I softly lay you down- don't move angelina tell me what's wrong
  18. -Grows weaker- W-what's h-happening t-to m-me?