HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. "So why would I leave this time?" Matthew states softly.
  2. (it's just you to anyways it's dead and the sword produces itself to any deserving griffindoor)
  3. OOC: It's Gryffindor. You have no idea what could trigger anybody. I don't care how dead the RP is if I have to ask you to leave the RP because you're being disrespectful towards something that could trigger someone then I will.
  4. Lily giggles and yawns a little.
    "Sleepy," she says.
  5. Matthew chuckles quietly as he easily through the crowd. "I know," he says.
  6. Lily clings on to him as she falls asleep slowly.
  7. (I'll leave anyways)
  8. Matthew smirks as he walks. "Your dorm or mine?" He asks quietly, pushing Lily up his back with a small jump when she was slipping slightly.
  9. "Don't care," She mumbles against his back.
  10. "Are you sure? Boys dorms can be rough, if you come in with me then there will be loads of suggestive comments," Matthew says.
  11. "I don't care," She replies.
  12. Matthew laughs, shaking his head slightly. "You know what our year are like," Matthew adds.
  13. Lily shrugs.
    "Honestly Matt I don't care, I don't like them anyway, the only opinion of myself I care about it yours," She says, falling asleep slowly.
  14. Matthew smiles, glancing back at Lily. "Well I don't know where your dorm is anyway," Matthew points out.
  15. "Just go to yours" She mumbles and cloaks herself in invisibility. "Just be quick I'm gonna fall off here soon."
    She giggles sleepily.
  16. Matthew chuckles before heading towards his dorm. He goes inside and looks at Lily after shutting the door. "Lils, we're in my dorm," Matthew says softly.
  17. Lily nods a little sliding off his back.
  18. Matthew smiles slightly before going over to his curtains and closing them.
  19. Lily crawls into his bed and curls into a ball.
  20. Matthew climbs info the bed behind her, laying with his chest to her back and wraps his arms around her as he kisses her temple.