HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Looks:
    Long copper-reddish hair, with pink highlights all over. Tan skin. Indigo blue eyes, with a hint of gold.Tall,6"9.Skinny-90 pounds. Usually wears pink and black glasses.
  2. Lily drapes her arms around his neck, laying her head softly on his shoulder as she looks up at him whilst he walks.
    "You choose," She smiles. "I'll eat anything."
  3. Matthew smirks. "What about worms?" He jokes.
  4. (My photo didn't work...)
  5. Troy the Aura comes running over to Lily.

    "Miss, I think you should come quick. Morgan has fallen off a cliff and has..."
  6. (Am I accepted??)
  7. OOC: No suicide or triggering RP.

    Lily yawns snuggling into his neck.
    "Okay," She replies.
  8. Matthew starts laughing, shaking his head. "Lils, it was a joke. Why don't I take you back to the dorms so you can rest? You're obviously tired," Matthew says quietly.
  9. (Wasn't suicide)
  10. OOC: It was triggering RP.

    Lily hums softly against his back.
    "Food," she protests sleepily.
  11. "You won't be awake by the time we reach food," Matthew points out.
  12. Lily pouts a little and nuzzles into her own hair.
    "Shhhh, will too!" She argues.
  13. "I doubt that," Matthew comments, turning his head to glance at her.
  14. (Rediculous.)
  15. OOC: You're character is way too OP anyway, if you have even bothered to read HP you would know that the sword of Gryffindor is not rightful property of any Potter it is property of the Gryffindor house. Plus I know what triggering is thank you. Change it or be kicked out. The rules are simple.
  16. Lily looks up at him her widening her eyes to make herself look more awake.
    "See?" She smiles.
  17. Matthew raises an eyebrow. "You're just reminding me of your childish innocence from when you had the cupcake. It's obvious you're tired," Matthew says quietly.
  18. Lily sighs.
    "Okayy, but stay?" She says sleepily.
  19. "I didn't leave last time did I?" Matthew says.
  20. Lily smiles.
    "No," she replies softly. "You didn't."