HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. "Doesn't mean we're the same family as before," Matthew states before walking off in the other direction.
  2. Softly kisses Matthews cheek.
    "It's okay Matt really," She stays in his arms or moving anytime soon she smiles trying to lighten the mood. "Hey look! I'm finally as tall as you!"
  3. Morgan slowly walks away with the sword trying to hold back tears as he keeps his hood over his face.
  4. Matthew chuckles, smirking at Lily. "One of the rare times you will be," he teases.
  5. Morgan finds a cliff and stands on the edge of it looking out to the water.
  6. Lily shakes her head wrapping her legs and arms around him.
    "What makes you think I'm getting down?" she smirks back.
  7. Matthew raises an eyebrow. "Well there's the times either of us have to use the bathroom, I doubt teachers would appreciate you clinging to me in class either," Matthew states.
  8. Lily laughs.
    "I'll wear a nappy and use the invisibility charm," She smirks.
  9. "And showers?" Matthew asks with a smirk. "Even with the invisibility spell, some people with sharp eyesight would be able to notice if my trousers are slightly ruffled or if I'm avoiding a certain part of my desk."
  10. Morgan raises his wands a fire a firework spell into the air as he looks up on the edge of the cliff.
  11. Lily pouts at him.
    "You realise you're asking the girl who really likes you if she'd mind showering with you, right?" She laughs softly.
  12. Matthew smirks before kissing her forehead. "Yep. It would help with getting the awkward places on my back. That's gonna be the only view you'll get. Besides it's going to look weird," Matthew points out.
  13. Lily laughs softly and pouts.
    "Fine I'll get down," She says.
  14. Matthew chuckles then kisses her forehead again. "So where did you want to go now?" He asks.
  15. Morgan takes one last look at the fire works before taking a step of the cliff..
  16. Lily hums.
    "What about food?" She asks.
  17. Morgan disappears in the water...
  18. Matthew smiles slightly, making a thoughtful expression before raising an eyebrow with a smirk. "Just us two?" He asks.
  19. Lily shrugs.
    "Why not?" She asks. "There's nothing wrong with two friends eating together Matt."